While most charities and foundations focus on the cure of a specific disease, CDRF tries to spur many different kinds of research efforts across the broad spectrum of diseases and medical needs. We put a special emphasis on new or alternative technologies, treatments or cures that impact children. These are the things that don’t get large-scale support from pharmaceutical companies, government sources and other foundations. That’s why we’re turning to you...
It’s often difficult to explain in laymen’s terms the world of medical research... but let’s boil it down to a specific “for example.”
One -- and it’s just one -- major example of our work is a rapid-response diagnostic test kit which allows the use of modern molecular technology to test for evidence of multiple diseases -- including cancer -- producing accurate results in 90 seconds.
Sound dull? Please believe us, it’s no small thing.
It really means so much to so many.
(learn more...)